My name is Scott Williams, and I live in Houston, Texas.  I love to shoot photographs.  I began taking pictures in 1969 when I bought my first 35mm SLR camera.  I have shot film for more than 35 years, but only recently ventured into digital photography.  I specialize in no particular genre of photographic subjects, so you will likely see a variety of pictures from one visit to the next.  I do, however, really enjoy catching people in moments that provide the viewer with a glimpse into their hearts.

I am an amateur photographer, but I take my hobby seriously.  As I approach every photo opportunity, I try my best to capture it so that it tells a story.  Storytelling is unique to humans among the animal kingdom, and it is the lifeblood of our existence.  Without stories passed from one to another, we cannot learn from each other, and we cannot pass our history from generation to generation. 

I hope you enjoy viewing my images, and I hope they conjure up a story or two for you.  If what you see pleases you, and you would like to obtain prints, please refer to the "Order Prints" page.  Use the yellow post card "Tell a Friend" icon below to tell your friends about the site.

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Copyright © 2006, Scott Williams.  All rights reserved.